Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
create_fuel_tank | 3600 | 1 | |
mutate_fuel_tank | 3601 | 2 | |
add_account | 3602 | 2 | |
remove_account | 3603 | 2 | |
remove_account_rule_data | 3604 | 4 | |
dispatch | 3605 | 4 | |
dispatch_and_touch | 3606 | 4 | |
mutate_freeze_state | 3607 | 3 | |
insert_rule_set | 3608 | 3 | |
remove_rule_set | 3609 | 2 | |
batch_add_account | 360a | 2 | |
batch_remove_account | 360b | 2 | |
force_set_consumption | 360c | 4 | |
destroy_fuel_tank | 360d | 1 | |
force_create_fuel_tank | 360e | 2 | |
force_batch_add_account | 360f | 3 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
FuelTankCreated | 3600 | ["AccountId","FuelTankNameOf","AccountId"] | |
FuelTankMutated | 3601 | ["AccountId","TankMutation"] | |
FuelTankDestroyed | 3602 | ["AccountId"] | |
CallDispatched | 3603 | ["AccountId","AccountId"] | |
AccountAdded | 3604 | ["AccountId","AccountId","BalanceOf","BalanceOf","BalanceOf"] | |
AccountRemoved | 3605 | ["AccountId","AccountId"] | |
AccountRuleDataRemoved | 3606 | ["AccountId","AccountId","RuleSetId","DispatchRuleKind"] | |
RuleSetInserted | 3607 | ["AccountId","RuleSetId"] | |
RuleSetRemoved | 3608 | ["AccountId","RuleSetId"] | |
FreezeStateMutated | 3609 | ["AccountId","Option<RuleSetId>","bool"] | |
DispatchFailed | 360a | ["AccountId","AccountId","DispatchError"] | |
ConsumptionSet | 360b | ["AccountId","Option<AccountId>","RuleSetId","ConsumptionOf"] | |
MigrationStep | 360c | ["u32","u8"] |
Name | Type | |
Tanks | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId"],"value":"pallet_fuel_tanks:types:FuelTank","keys_id":0,"value_id":736}} | |
Accounts | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId","AccountId"],"value":"pallet_fuel_tanks:types:UserAccount","keys_id":765,"value_id":766}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
Salt | [U8; 8] | 6566696e69747979 | |
MaxWhitelistedCallers | U32 | 64000000 | |
MaxRuleSets | U32 | 0a000000 | |
MaxRulesPerSet | U32 | 0a000000 | |
MaxAccountRuleDataLength | U32 | 80000000 | |
MaxCallFilters | U32 | 14000000 | |
MaxWhitelistedCollections | U32 | 00010000 | |
MaxCallSize | U32 | e8030000 | |
MaxUserHistorySize | U32 | 10270000 | |
MaxBatchAccounts | U32 | 64000000 | |
MaxFuelTankNameLength | U32 | 20000000 | |
MaxExtrinsicNameLength | U32 | 64000000 | |
MaxPermittedExtrinsicLength | U32 | 64000000 | |
TankCreationDeposit | U128 | 00007a22c1c8b1220000000000000000 | |
AccountCreationDeposit | U128 | 0000c16ff28623000000000000000000 | |
ReserveIdentifier | [U8; 8] | 6675656c74616e6b | |
LevyScale | U32 | b80b0000 | |
Levy | U32 | 8017b42c |
Name | Docs |
FuelTankNotFound | Fuel Tank not found |
FuelTankAlreadyExists | Fuel Tank already exists |
InsufficientBalance | Not enough funds to perform operation |
UsageRestricted | Fuel tank cannot be used due to restrictions |
FuelTankOutOfFunds | Fuel tank doesnt have enough funds |
RuleSetNotFound | The rule set does not exist |
RuleNotFound | The rule is missing |
NoPermission | User does not have permission to perform operation |
AccountAlreadyExists | The account already exists |
AccountNotFound | The account was not found |
DestroyWithExistingAccounts | Destroying fuel tank is not possible while it has existing accounts attached |
DestroyUnfrozenTank | Destroying fuel tank is not possible while it is not frozen |
MaxRuleSetsExceeded | Max number of rules sets per fuel tank was exceeded |
UserRuleDataExceededMaxSize | The size of the user rule data is greater than the allowed amount |
DecodeUserRuleDataFailed | The user rule data could not be decoded |
RequiresFrozenTankOrRuleset | Either the tank or ruleset must be frozen for this operation |
RequiresFrozenTank | The fuel tank must be frozen for this operation |
MissingRequiredRule | A rule that is required for this operation does not exist |
MissingRequiredRuleUserData | User data for the required rule does not exist |
InvalidRuleSet | The rule set of the fuel tank is misconfigured. This error should never occur. |
AccountContainsRuleData | A user cannot remove an account that is storing data for a rule |
CannotRemoveRuleThatIsStoringAccountData | A rule cannot be removed from a rule set if it is storing data on any account |
DuplicateRuleKinds | A fuel tank cannot have more than one rule of the same kind |
DepositCalculationError | Problems calculating the deposit for a call |
FuelTankFrozen | The fuel tank is frozen |
CallerDoesNotHaveRuleSetTokenBalance | The user does not have the token required by rule set |
NoDataToRemove | The user does not have any data stored for rule set |