Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
create_listing | 3200 | 7 | |
cancel_listing | 3201 | 1 | |
fill_listing | 3202 | 2 | |
place_bid | 3203 | 2 | |
place_counter_offer | 3209 | 3 | |
answer_counter_offer | 320a | 4 | |
finalize_auction | 3204 | 1 | |
remove_expired_listing | 3208 | 1 | |
set_protocol_fee | 3205 | 1 | |
force_create_listing | 3206 | 8 | |
force_place_bid | 3207 | 4 | |
force_cancel_listing | 320b | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
ListingCreated | 3200 | ["ListingIdOf","Listing"] | |
ListingCancelled | 3201 | ["ListingIdOf"] | |
ListingFilled | 3202 | ["ListingIdOf","AccountId","TokenBalanceOf","TokenBalanceOf","TokenBalanceOf","TokenBalanceOf","TokenBalanceOf"] | |
BidPlaced | 3203 | ["ListingIdOf","Bid"] | |
AuctionFinalized | 3204 | ["ListingIdOf","Option<Bid>","TokenBalanceOf","TokenBalanceOf"] | |
ProtocolFeeSet | 3205 | ["Perbill"] | |
ExpiredListingRemoved | 3206 | ["ListingIdOf"] | |
CounterOfferPlaced | 3207 | ["ListingIdOf","CounterOffer"] | |
CounterOfferAnswered | 3208 | ["ListingIdOf","AccountId","CounterOfferResponseOf"] | |
CounterOfferRemoved | 3209 | ["ListingIdOf","AccountId"] | |
MigrationStep | 320a | ["u32","u8"] |
Name | Type | |
Info | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"compact<U32>","PlainTypeValue":779} | |
Listings | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity"],"key_vec":["H256"],"value":"pallet_marketplace:features:listing:Listing","keys_id":13,"value_id":258}} | |
CounterOffers | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["H256","AccountId"],"value":"pallet_marketplace:features:offer:CounterOffer","keys_id":780,"value_id":269}} | |
NextListingIdInput | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
PendingListingIds | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"Vec<H256>","PlainTypeValue":781} |
Name | Type | Value | |
MinimumBidIncreasePercentage | U32 | 80f0fa02 | |
ReserveIdentifier | [U8; 8] | 6d61726b74706c63 | |
ListingDeposit | U128 | 0090323a73060a070000000000000000 | |
CounterOfferDeposit | U128 | 00008a5d784563010000000000000000 | |
ListingActiveDelay | U32 | 05000000 | |
MaxRoundingError | U128 | e8030000000000000000000000000000 | |
MaxSaltLength | U32 | 20000000 | |
MaxPendingListingIds | U32 | 64000000 |
Name | Docs |
UnableToFill | the order cannot be filled |
ListingNotFound | The listing does not exist |
NoPermission | The caller does not have permission for this operation |
MaxRoundingErrorExceeded | The max rounding error was exceeded |
LowBaseCurrencyBalance | The base currency balance is too low |
LowTokenBalance | The token balance is too low |
TransferParamCreationFailed | Transfer params could not be created |
ReceivedValueUnderMinimum | The take value is under the minimum requirement |
ListingAlreadyExists | A listing with this id already exists |
InvalidAuctionStart | The start time of the auction must be greater than the current block plus theminimum requirement |
InvalidAuctionEnd | The end time of the auction must be after the start |
InactiveAuction | Cannot bid on an auction that has not started or is over |
AuctionNotOver | Cannot finalize an auction that is not over |
ListingIsWrongType | An action was taken that is not compatible with the listing's type. |
InvalidAmount | The amount is invalid |
InvalidPrice | The price is invalid |
ListingForbidden | Listing is forbidden for this token |
NoCurrency | Neither the make side or the take side of the listing is considered a currency |
ListingNotActive | The listing has not crossed the mandatory delay before its considered active |
CurrencyNotAllowedAsRoyalty | The currency is not allowed to be used as a royalty payment |
BuyerIsSeller | The seller is not allowed to buy their own listing |
MakeAssetFrozen | Make asset is frozen |
TakeAssetFrozen | Take asset is frozen |
CannotCancelAuctionWithBid | Cannot cancel auction with active bid |
CannotCancelAuctionAfterEndBlock | Cannot cancel auction after end block |
InvalidExpiration | The expiration block must be in the future |
NotExpired | The listing is not expired and cannot be removed |
NoCounterOffer | A counter offer is required but does not exist |
PartialFillNotAllowed | Offers do not support partial fills |
InvalidFeeSide | The fee side does not match the listing type |
WrongCurrentPrice | The passed `current_price` does not match the actual current price |
CannotCounterSelf | Cannot place a counter offer on own offer |
MaxPendingListingIdsExceeded | Max number of pending listing ids has been exceeded |
CounterOfferExists | The counter offer already exists |