Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
CollectionCreated | 2800 | ["CollectionId","AccountId"] | |
CollectionDestroyed | 2801 | ["CollectionId","AccountId"] | |
CollectionMutated | 2802 | ["CollectionId","CollectionMutation"] | |
Minted | 2803 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","RootOrSigned<AccountId>","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
TokenCreated | 2804 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","RootOrSigned<AccountId>","TokenBalance"] | |
TokenMutated | 2805 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","TokenMutation"] | |
Burned | 2806 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
TokenDestroyed | 2807 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId"] | |
Transferred | 2808 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","AccountId","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
Frozen | 2809 | ["FreezeOf"] | |
Thawed | 280a | ["FreezeOf"] | |
AttributeSet | 280b | ["CollectionId","Option<TokenId>","AttributeKey","AttributeValue"] | |
AttributeRemoved | 280c | ["CollectionId","Option<TokenId>","AttributeKey"] | |
Approved | 280d | ["CollectionId","Option<TokenId>","AccountId","AccountId","Option<TokenBalance>","Expiration"] | |
Unapproved | 280e | ["CollectionId","Option<TokenId>","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
CollectionAccountCreated | 280f | ["CollectionId","AccountId"] | |
TokenAccountCreated | 2810 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
CollectionAccountDestroyed | 2811 | ["CollectionId","AccountId"] | |
TokenAccountDestroyed | 2812 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId"] | |
TokenAccountDepositUpdated | 2813 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","i32"] | |
Reserved | 2814 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance","Option<ReserveIdentifierType>"] | |
Unreserved | 2815 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance","Option<ReserveIdentifierType>"] | |
MovedReserves | 2816 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","AccountId","TokenBalance","Option<ReserveIdentifierType>"] | |
ReserveRepatriated | 2817 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","AccountId","TokenBalance","Option<ReserveIdentifierType>"] | |
BalanceSet | 2818 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance","TokenBalance"] | |
Withdraw | 2819 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
Deposit | 281a | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
Slashed | 281b | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","TokenBalance"] | |
CollectionUpdated | 281c | ["CollectionId","Option<CollectionOf>"] | |
TokenUpdated | 281d | ["CollectionId","TokenId","Option<TokenOf>"] | |
NextCollectionIdUpdated | 281e | ["CollectionId"] | |
CollectionAccountUpdated | 281f | ["CollectionId","AccountId","Option<CollectionAccountOf>"] | |
TokenAccountUpdated | 2820 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","Option<TokenAccountOf>"] | |
ClaimedCollections | 2821 | ["AccountId","EthereumAddress","Vec<CollectionId>"] | |
ClaimedTokens | 2822 | ["AccountId","EthereumAddress","Vec<AssetIdWithEthOf>","bool"] | |
ClaimTokensInitiated | 2823 | ["AccountId","EthereumAddress"] | |
ClaimTokensCompleted | 2824 | ["AccountId","EthereumAddress"] | |
CollectionTransferred | 2825 | ["CollectionId","AccountId"] | |
CollectionTransferCancelled | 2826 | ["CollectionId"] | |
Infused | 2827 | ["CollectionId","TokenId","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
MigrationStep | 2828 | ["u32","u8"] |
Name | Type | |
TokenAccounts | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","U128","AccountId"],"value":"pallet_multi_tokens:features:token:types:TokenAccount","keys_id":723,"value_id":215}} | |
Collections | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"ep_multi_tokens:collection:Collection","keys_id":6,"value_id":180}} | |
Tokens | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","U128"],"value":"ep_multi_tokens:token:Token","keys_id":724,"value_id":194}} | |
NextCollectionId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
CollectionAccounts | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","AccountId"],"value":"pallet_multi_tokens:features:collection:types:CollectionAccount","keys_id":725,"value_id":208}} | |
Attributes | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","option<U128>","Vec<U8>"],"value":"ep_multi_tokens:attribute:Attribute","keys_id":726,"value_id":469}} | |
PendingCollectionTransfers | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"AccountId","keys_id":6,"value_id":0}} | |
AssetIdsByLocation | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["staging_xcm:v4:location:Location"],"value":"ep_multi_tokens:token:AssetId","keys_id":65,"value_id":154}} | |
ClaimableCollectionIds | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity"],"key_vec":["H160"],"value":"Vec<U128>","keys_id":229,"value_id":473}} | |
UnmintableTokenIds | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128","U64"],"value":"U64","keys_id":727,"value_id":12}} | |
NativeCollectionIds | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"U128","keys_id":6,"value_id":6}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
AttributeDepositBase | U128 | 0000c52ebca2b1000000000000000000 | |
AttributeDepositPerByte | U128 | 00901ec4bc1600000000000000000000 | |
MaxRecipientsPerBatchTransfer | U32 | fa000000 | |
MaxTokensPerBatchTransfer | U32 | f4010000 | |
MaxBatchAttributesPerCall | U32 | 32000000 | |
MaxRecipientsPerBatchMint | U32 | fa000000 | |
MaxTokenGroupsPerToken | U32 | 01000000 | |
CollectionCreationDeposit | U128 | 000031d6e275bc560000000000000000 | |
TokenAccountDeposit | U128 | 0000c16ff28623000000000000000000 | |
MaxIdleOperationQueueLength | U32 | e8030000 | |
MaxIdleOperationQueueWeight | sp_weights:weight_v2:Weight | 0700e876481700 | |
MaxOperatorsPerAccount | U32 | 0a000000 | |
MaxReserves | U32 | 32000000 | |
MaxLocks | U32 | 32000000 | |
MaxExplicitRoyaltyCurrencies | U32 | 0a000000 | |
NativeAssetInfo | ep_multi_tokens:types:NativeAssetInfo | 00000040899d4be6d6160100000000000000 | |
ReserveIdentifier | [U8; 8] | 6d756c746f6b656e | |
TokenMetadataMaxNameLength | U32 | 20000000 | |
TokenMetadataMaxSymbolLength | U32 | 08000000 | |
MaxClaimableCollectionsPerAccount | U32 | d7000000 | |
MaxDecimalCount | U8 | 12 | |
ClaimCollectionsPrefix | Vec<U8> | 805472616e7366657220636f6c6c656374696f6e7320746f206163636f756e743a | |
ClaimTokensPrefix | Vec<U8> | 6c5472616e7366657220746f6b656e7320746f206163636f756e743a | |
EthereumMigrationAccountId | AccountId | b2fb867af4b793dfac6f50edfebfb2e7c9980621c37e6e92781865f71f93b265 | |
MigrationReimburser | AccountId | 3adabfacf7cde18f2199ebf2e4d1b872e4eceab6ef33987f443f803b7a06825f |
Name | Docs |
CollectionNotFound | Collection was not found |
CollectionAccountNotFound | CollectionAccount was not found |
TokenNotFound | Token was not found |
TokenAccountNotFound | TokenAccount was not found |
NoPermission | Caller is not allowed to execute this extrinsic |
BalanceLow | Not enough balance to perform the operation. |
Frozen | The operation failed due to an item being frozen |
HasNeverFreezeState | The token has a never freeze state. The state cannot be changed and the token cannot befrozen. |
PermanentlyFrozen | The token is permanently frozen |
InvalidFreezeState | The freeze state is not valid |
AmountZero | An amount of zero was used when it's not allowed |
InvalidAttributeKey | Attribute key invalid |
MaxTokenCountExceeded | Tried to mint more tokens than allowed |
TokenMintCapExceeded | The cap for the token was exceeded during mint |
TokenAlreadyExists | Tried to create Token that already exists |
DestroyForbiddenByAttributeCount | The collection or token cannot be destroyed because it has attributes |
DestroyForbiddenByRemainingTokens | Destroy is not allowed on collections that have tokens. Destroy all tokens beforecalling [`destroy_collection`](Pallet::destroy_collection). Keep in mind that the[`Tokens`] storage can remain even if all of [`Token`](ep_multi_tokens::Token)'s unitswere burned. A token can only be destroyed by setting[`remove_token_storage`](OnBurnInput::remove_token_storage) to true in[`burn`](Pallet::burn). |
DestroyForbiddenByCollectionEvent | The `OnCollectionEvent` trait has forbidden burning of the collection |
DepositReserveFailed | Unable to reserve the amount to create a new collection/token |
DepositUnreserveFailed | Unable to unreserve the amount to burn an existing collection/token |
MintFailedRequirements | The minting did not meet the requirements set by the mint policy |
IdleOperationQueueFull | The idle operation queue is full and cannot accept new operations |
ReservesLow | Reserved balance is not enough to perform the operation |
TooManyReserves | Max named reserves for an account are exceeded |
TooManyLocks | Max named locks for an account are exceeded |
LiquidityRestrictions | The balance is locked or restricted |
PercentageOutOfBounds | Royalty percentage is above or below allowed bounds |
CurrencyIncompatibleWithCollectionRoyalty | Token cannot act as both a currency and a royalty |
MaxApprovalsExceeded | The max number of approvals for this account was exceeded |
AlreadyExpired | Tried to set an expiration that has already passed |
CollectionAlreadyApproved | The collection is already approved for all, so it is useless to approve for a singletoken |
InsufficientAllowance | Not enough allowance to perform the operation |
WrongCurrentApprovedAmount | The passed `current_amount` does not match the actual current amount of the approval |
CannotApproveSelf | An account cannot approve itself as an operator |
CannotTransferToSelf | An account cannot transfer tokens to itself |
TransferParamCreationFailed | Transfer params could not be created |
OperationNotAllowedForNativeToken | This operation is not allowed for the native token |
InvalidExplicitRoyaltyCurrencies | One or more of the explicit royalty currencies are invalid |
InvalidAttributeCount | Provided attribute count doesnt match the count is storage |
ConflictingLocation | Conflicting Location for an AssetId |
CollectionIdAlreadyInUse | Collection ID is already in use |
FreezeStateRequired | Freeze state is required when freezing a token |
PremintExceeded | The preminted amount would be exceeded by the mint operation |
TokenMetadataCreationFailed | Token metadata could not be created from mint params |
NoClaimAvailable | There is nothing to claim |
InvalidEthereumSignature | The ethereum signature is invalid |
InvalidEthereumAddress | The ethereum address does not match the signature |
TokenIdReservedForClaim | The token id cannot be minted because it's reserved for claiming |
CollectionCountExceeded | The number of collections has exceeded the bound |
WrongCount | The passed count does not reflect the amount in storage |
InvalidMintParams | Mint params are invalid |
NoPendingCollectionTransfer | The collection has no pending transfer |
AlreadyCollectionOwner | The account already owns the collection. Transferring to self is not allowed. |
InsufficientDeposit | The operation would cause the deposit to drop below the minimum allowed |
IncompatibleToken | The token is not compatible with this operation |
MaxDecimalCountExceeded | Decimal count is higher than the maximum |
AccountDepositNotAllowedWithDepositor | When a depositor is used to mint a token, it is disallowed to also add to the tokenaccount deposit |